When Frank J. Healy became Fire Chief on December 23, 1890, one of his early challenges was a fire that burned down the Vigilant No. 2 firehouse in North Wheeling in 1891. Healy quickly had a new firehouse constructed at the same 650 Main Street location. On August 15, 1892, he established Wheeling Fire Company No. 4 on South Jacob Street. The chief also provided firefighters with Loeb Respirators to protect them from smoke inhalation and, while waiting for a new fire engine to arrive, he borrowed a steam fire engine named “Blackjack” that had been previously used during the Great Chicago Fire. A major fire later broke out in Cameron, West Virginia, and Wheeling answered the call for help, sending men, “Blackjack,” and a hose wagon via railroad. After briefly adding more volunteer firefighters in Moundsville, the train derailed near Rosby’s Rock, killing the engineer and damaging equipment.
To learn more: (https://tinyurl.com/mr29fuez) (https://tinyurl.com/neakbbrp) (https://tinyurl.com/ydx2ve5k)
Photo credits: New York Heritage Digital Collections; Ohio County Public Library Archives, Wheeling WV